Friday, June 01, 2007

The "IT" girls and Wild Bill

(Kelly, Bill and Becca)

Our summer's starting off to be super sweet! We're really excited to tell you about our greatest week of the summer so far and it's only just begun! Okay, so here's what we're all jacked up about- We were recently contacted by a Dateline producer and asked to work with them on a shoot for an upcoming show. The show they're putting together is focusing on safety and our part in the feature is specifically related to sexual assault and date rape drugs. Getting contacted by Dateline producers was awesome to say the very least. A few e-mails and several phone calls were exchanged, travel arrangements were made and we ended up in South Carolina with a crew of producers, camera people, sound folks and Bill Stanton, the NBC safety expert a.k.a Wild Bill. Bill has tons of safety knowledge and lots of real life experience in the field. He also happens to be a super fun dude.

While we were in S.C. we shot two interviews with Bill and hit a of couple bars under-cover, hidden cameras and secret microphones were involved and we were strapped...totally cool. It was awesome to be a part of the action and fascinating to get the inside scoop on how things go down on an undercover shoot. It was impressive, almost mind-blowing to see how much time and effort goes into a story. We're not sure when the shows going to air, but will definitely keep everyone posted. Keep an eye out for more details and remember- you never know when or where the hidden cameras and microphones might be! : )

Under cover operators and official Wild Bill groupies,

Kelly (and Becca)

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