21 States Have Passed The Law

For further information check out http://www.dnasaves.org/index.php
Kelly Addington and Becca Tieder are experts on sexual assault awareness and prevention as well as sexual empowerment. Since 2003, Kelly and Becca have had the honor of working with hundreds of campuses and communities throughout the country to help end sexual violence. This blog is full of posts about their experiences on the road (and at home), information about sexual assault awareness and prevention, sexual empowerment and lots of other stuff that's on their minds.
I would love to hear what you think!
- Sabrina
Editors Note:
The image "Percentage of Women Who Believe It's OK For Husbands To Hit Them" uses data from UNICEF, but the image itself is from GLOBAL HEALTH magazine, published by the Global Health Council, a non-profit organization. The magazine focuses on a number of issues that impact women worldwide - including a story on survivors of the Rwandan Genocide who contracted HIV and/or became impregnated as a result. Feel free to join their readership here.