Arkansas State University Posse
Here we are with the brothers of Omega Psi Phi who proudly parked in the front row to show their support.
Our work gives us the opportunity to meet some superbly fabulous folks which is one of the many reasons we love what we do and appreciate what we have every single day. (Thank you Universe!) Kimberly Johnson, pictured above in red, made our visit to ASU possible and she is quite possibly one of the most adorably sweet and insanely precious people we have ever met. This woman is pink cotton candy pure! Just being around her made us smile til our cheeks hurt. I love it when that happens! Kim has a sweet innocence about her that pairs remarkably well with her soulful wisdom. If we could package her spirit up and sprinkle it around this sometimes bitter world we live in it would be ten-gillion times brighter!
We had such an amazing time while we were on campus and got the chance to have several personal and extremely meaningful conversations with a few students after the program. What a night. We love you ASU!
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