As many of you know we spent a couple wonderful years in Houston, TX. The highlight being the people we met. One of the best places we discovered is The Shakespeare’s Pub. A gritty, honest and welcoming place. One we miss often. A big part of the magic of “the pub” was Burke and Chris two incredibly bright, funny and kind men, who were willing to indulge our crazy excursions and dreams. They taught us to dance to zydeco, appreciate good blues and to better accept ourselves for who we are. We would often kid about going roller skating- taking it back to the old school. Chris promised to wear a pair of satin shorts. We laughed hard and often at this thought. We should have gone, we always wanted to and now we never can. Chris died suddenly last week. The world lost a witty, satirical "skater" who made the world a better place, simply by being a part of it. We will miss you buddy and adore you always.
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