Our first gig of 2008 was great! : ) We had a fantastic time working with the athletes and coaches at EMU in Ypsilanti. Ypsilanti, that's so much fun to say I just had to say it again! So we are on the road again and armed with a mini video camera...so this is the first of what we hope to be many video blogs to come. Enjoy!
Friday, January 25, 2008
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Daily BruinUCLA
January 17, 2008
UCLA frat members run to raise money for the Rape Treatment Center
By Eli Smukler,
Daily BruinAthletes from across the world will be weaving down the streets of Los Angeles on Mar. 2, covering neighborhoods from Hollywood to Crenshaw in the 23rd annual L.A. Marathon. In the middle of an estimated 25,000 runners and over one million spectators will be a handful of dedicated Bruins, many of whom have had little experience in long-distance running. This year's philanthropy event for the University of California at Los Angeles Sigma Pi fraternity will be to train and run in the 26.2 mile race. They are gathering monetary pledges from around the community to donate to the Rape Treatment Center at Santa Monica-UCLA Medical Center. Last year, competing in the same event, the fraternity managed to raise over $7,000 with 13 brothers finishing the grueling crosstown race.
This year Sigma Pi is hoping to build on their previous success by opening up participation to people outside the fraternity as well."Both Greek and non-Greek, guys and girls, we're trying to get a real broad group of people doing it with us this year," sophomore Michael Spiker said. Spiker, the house philanthropy chair, has organized a weekly training run where runners get together and run a predetermined distance, progressively longer as the weeks go by. But by no means is this enough to get in shape for such an intense race. Runners are encouraged to do plenty of their own training during the week. Spiker said he runs three times a week."(There are) different trails around campus," Spiker said. "We run the perimeter around the school and down by the beach at Santa Monica. It's a little harder around UCLA because there (are) busier streets, but we do find places to run. "Of the 15 to 20 UCLA students planning to run in the marathon, few have ever had to prepare for a race anywhere near this long. Junior Matt Sandler has been training with the group since early December.
Like most of the runners, Sandler has plenty of athletic experience, playing both high school basketball and lacrosse, but has never done anything like this before."A lot of us haven't run (even) 12 miles in our lives," Sandler said. "I'm running a new personal high every week. Each time, I realize I just accomplished another goal for myself. "With the completion of such a strict regimen, the group will look to show up on race day with confidence. However, Sandler knows their inexperience will be difficult to downplay. "As much as you can prepare for running a marathon, I don't think anything is going to actually match the intensity of the day," Sandler said. The Sigma Pi organized running team is only halfway to accomplishing their training goal. After starting out with a six mile run the first week, they hope to finish an 18-mile set a week before the race. So far training has gone well and the runners are confident. "We all have so many other things we could be doing," Sandler said. "It's the other guys around you that motivate you to keep going and getting better and better each week."
(C) 2008 Daily Bruin
January 17, 2008
UCLA frat members run to raise money for the Rape Treatment Center
By Eli Smukler,
Daily BruinAthletes from across the world will be weaving down the streets of Los Angeles on Mar. 2, covering neighborhoods from Hollywood to Crenshaw in the 23rd annual L.A. Marathon. In the middle of an estimated 25,000 runners and over one million spectators will be a handful of dedicated Bruins, many of whom have had little experience in long-distance running. This year's philanthropy event for the University of California at Los Angeles Sigma Pi fraternity will be to train and run in the 26.2 mile race. They are gathering monetary pledges from around the community to donate to the Rape Treatment Center at Santa Monica-UCLA Medical Center. Last year, competing in the same event, the fraternity managed to raise over $7,000 with 13 brothers finishing the grueling crosstown race.
This year Sigma Pi is hoping to build on their previous success by opening up participation to people outside the fraternity as well."Both Greek and non-Greek, guys and girls, we're trying to get a real broad group of people doing it with us this year," sophomore Michael Spiker said. Spiker, the house philanthropy chair, has organized a weekly training run where runners get together and run a predetermined distance, progressively longer as the weeks go by. But by no means is this enough to get in shape for such an intense race. Runners are encouraged to do plenty of their own training during the week. Spiker said he runs three times a week."(There are) different trails around campus," Spiker said. "We run the perimeter around the school and down by the beach at Santa Monica. It's a little harder around UCLA because there (are) busier streets, but we do find places to run. "Of the 15 to 20 UCLA students planning to run in the marathon, few have ever had to prepare for a race anywhere near this long. Junior Matt Sandler has been training with the group since early December.
Like most of the runners, Sandler has plenty of athletic experience, playing both high school basketball and lacrosse, but has never done anything like this before."A lot of us haven't run (even) 12 miles in our lives," Sandler said. "I'm running a new personal high every week. Each time, I realize I just accomplished another goal for myself. "With the completion of such a strict regimen, the group will look to show up on race day with confidence. However, Sandler knows their inexperience will be difficult to downplay. "As much as you can prepare for running a marathon, I don't think anything is going to actually match the intensity of the day," Sandler said. The Sigma Pi organized running team is only halfway to accomplishing their training goal. After starting out with a six mile run the first week, they hope to finish an 18-mile set a week before the race. So far training has gone well and the runners are confident. "We all have so many other things we could be doing," Sandler said. "It's the other guys around you that motivate you to keep going and getting better and better each week."
(C) 2008 Daily Bruin
Sigma Pi,
Friday, January 18, 2008
Love Your Cervix
Who knew January was “love your cervix" month? Not me...until I got this great e-mail from Planned Parenthood. It’s funny and informative, two of my favorite things, so I thought I’d share it with you. Feel free to pass this information along to other cervixes!
This is your cervix writing. I know, you might've forgotten I existed until you got this e-mail just now (what with vagina and clitoris always hogging all the attention). I bet you wouldn't even recognize me if you saw me -- me, your very own cervix! Well, that's exactly why my pals at Planned Parenthood have a few ideas for you on how to show me some love. They've been helping women screen against cervical cancer for decades, and right now they're offering a few easy ways you can take care of yours truly (or, for you guys out there, how you can make sure your sisters, spouses, daughters, and friends stay healthy, too):
I know, I know, this seems obvious. But think about it: When WAS your last Pap test? Start taking care of it this very moment. It couldn't be more important, and Planned Parenthood couldn't make it easier for you to find your nearest health center and make an appointment. Please don't put it off; you owe me a Pap and a cervical cancer screening at least once a year. Make your appointment now. http://www.ppaction.org/ct/3dLCfUM1PrzF/FindHealthCenter
You may have heard about this one in the news -- well, now it's time to take advantage of it. Protect me from the types of human papilloma virus (HPV) responsible for 70 percent of all cervical cancer cases, not to mention genital warts. Check out these YouTube videos to learn more about me, HPV, and the HPV vaccine. http://www.ppaction.org/ct/edLCfUM1PrzK/
Okay, duh. But seriously, when I say safer, I mean using protection every time. Add HPV and cervical cancer to the long list of reasons why safer sex is sexier sex, and remember: your cervix cannot protect you, so please protect your cervix. Find out more about protection and safer sex here. http://www.ppaction.org/ct/37LCfUM1Prz-/SaferSex
Happy National Cervical Cancer Screening Month!
Your cervix
P.S. Don't have a cervix? Forward this e-mail to the people you love who do have cervixes!
This is your cervix writing. I know, you might've forgotten I existed until you got this e-mail just now (what with vagina and clitoris always hogging all the attention). I bet you wouldn't even recognize me if you saw me -- me, your very own cervix! Well, that's exactly why my pals at Planned Parenthood have a few ideas for you on how to show me some love. They've been helping women screen against cervical cancer for decades, and right now they're offering a few easy ways you can take care of yours truly (or, for you guys out there, how you can make sure your sisters, spouses, daughters, and friends stay healthy, too):
I know, I know, this seems obvious. But think about it: When WAS your last Pap test? Start taking care of it this very moment. It couldn't be more important, and Planned Parenthood couldn't make it easier for you to find your nearest health center and make an appointment. Please don't put it off; you owe me a Pap and a cervical cancer screening at least once a year. Make your appointment now. http://www.ppaction.org/ct/3dLCfUM1PrzF/FindHealthCenter
You may have heard about this one in the news -- well, now it's time to take advantage of it. Protect me from the types of human papilloma virus (HPV) responsible for 70 percent of all cervical cancer cases, not to mention genital warts. Check out these YouTube videos to learn more about me, HPV, and the HPV vaccine. http://www.ppaction.org/ct/edLCfUM1PrzK/
Okay, duh. But seriously, when I say safer, I mean using protection every time. Add HPV and cervical cancer to the long list of reasons why safer sex is sexier sex, and remember: your cervix cannot protect you, so please protect your cervix. Find out more about protection and safer sex here. http://www.ppaction.org/ct/37LCfUM1Prz-/SaferSex
Happy National Cervical Cancer Screening Month!
Your cervix
P.S. Don't have a cervix? Forward this e-mail to the people you love who do have cervixes!
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
International model
I have been called a lot of things but this is a first. Recently I was asked to model for Kashi cereal for a Canadian advertising campaign. Pretty cool right? So I got to do the hair and make-up thing and a fancy photo shoot with the rad photographer. Which by the way if you ever need some top notch work...he's your man. Check him out it's Glenn Mackay photography http://glennmackay.com/.
Now, here is the plan of plans. I want to be the Jared (of Subway fame) of Canada. Think of it..the endorsements, the free snacks. I get chills just daydreaming at the prospect. Plus, I freakin' love Kashi. So let's start the Becca for Kashi movement. Send letters, e-mails or anything else you can think of to our neighbors to the north http://www.kashi.ca/kashi_ca/index.htm. Plus, if we can make this happen you all are getting free swag.
That's right, free.
So, for your viewing pleasure here is my first international magazine spread. Let me know what you think.
Jared Jr.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Because of your rock solid support you made two little girls dreams come true. That's right Kelly and Becca are nominated for the prestigious Campus Activities Magazine Readers Choice Awards as (big drum roll please) SPEAKERS OF THE YEAR!! Can you believe it? After speaking full time for less than two years we are both humbled and honored.
Now the nitty gritty...
To bring this baby home we need your support once again, please cast your ballot today at
They announce the winners soon so time is of the essence.
While I am asking for things...please ask everyone you know who attends a college and/or works at a college to please vote for your favorite twisted sisters.
As many of you know our agency, Campuspeak is like a family to us so we hope you will consider voting for our agency peeps as well...
Agency of the Year: CAMPUSPEAK
Diversity Artist: Joe & Bil OR Jessica Pettitt
Again you can vote online at:
If for some reason that does not work go to http://www.campusactivitiesmagazine.com/ and click on Readers Choice Awards.
Thank you so much for your support!!! It means the world to us.
Becca (and Kelly)
PS- If there is a victory party, you are so invited.
Because of your rock solid support you made two little girls dreams come true. That's right Kelly and Becca are nominated for the prestigious Campus Activities Magazine Readers Choice Awards as (big drum roll please) SPEAKERS OF THE YEAR!! Can you believe it? After speaking full time for less than two years we are both humbled and honored.
Now the nitty gritty...
To bring this baby home we need your support once again, please cast your ballot today at
They announce the winners soon so time is of the essence.
While I am asking for things...please ask everyone you know who attends a college and/or works at a college to please vote for your favorite twisted sisters.
As many of you know our agency, Campuspeak is like a family to us so we hope you will consider voting for our agency peeps as well...
Agency of the Year: CAMPUSPEAK
Diversity Artist: Joe & Bil OR Jessica Pettitt
Again you can vote online at:
If for some reason that does not work go to http://www.campusactivitiesmagazine.com/ and click on Readers Choice Awards.
Thank you so much for your support!!! It means the world to us.
Becca (and Kelly)
PS- If there is a victory party, you are so invited.
campus activities,
Monday, January 14, 2008
One of People magazine's "Most Eligible Bachelor's" charged with multiple rapes

This is why regardless of how wonderful someone seems to be, you can never compromise your safety or the safety of your friends. With spring break right around the corner I wanted to share with you a few must do safety tips. Remember not everything that happens on spring break...stays on spring break. So make sure the only thing you bring home is a tan, great photos and wonderful memories. Let us know if we can help you plan a memorable and safe spring break. Also, Unite for Change (http://www.uniteforchange.com/) is getting a makeover. Check out the new look and loads of updates in the coming weeks.
Spring Break Safety Tips
Trust your intuition, it is your best defense.
Program the hotel # and address in your phone.
Protect yourself from date rape drugs by watching your drinks.
The 3 D's: Don't drink & swim, drink & drive or drink & hook-up.
Have fun and take care of each other.
sexual assault,
spring break
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