Once again the person charged with sexual assault is not some creepy guy in an old van with no windows, in this case it is an attractive lawyer who championed the rights of foster children. One who in addition to professional accolades was honored as one of our country's most desirable men. Read the full article here
This is why regardless of how wonderful someone seems to be, you can never compromise your safety or the safety of your friends. With spring break right around the corner I wanted to share with you a few must do safety tips. Remember not everything that happens on spring break...stays on spring break. So make sure the only thing you bring home is a tan, great photos and wonderful memories. Let us know if we can help you plan a memorable and safe spring break. Also, Unite for Change (
http://www.uniteforchange.com/) is getting a makeover. Check out the new look and loads of updates in the coming weeks.
Spring Break Safety Tips
Trust your intuition, it is your best defense.
Program the hotel # and address in your phone.
Protect yourself from date rape drugs by watching your drinks.
The 3 D's: Don't drink & swim, drink & drive or drink & hook-up.
Have fun and take care of each other.
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