Kelly Addington and Becca Tieder are experts on sexual assault awareness and prevention as well as sexual empowerment. Since 2003, Kelly and Becca have had the honor of working with hundreds of campuses and communities throughout the country to help end sexual violence. This blog is full of posts about their experiences on the road (and at home), information about sexual assault awareness and prevention, sexual empowerment and lots of other stuff that's on their minds.
Trying to get from Inianapolis to Tampa was quite the challenge today. After a couple flight delays we landed less than 2 hours before it was time for us to arrive on campus at Saint Leo University which happens to be about an hour and a half drive from the airport in moderate rush hour traffic. Yikes. Once again we utilized the airport facilities to change, freshen up, chi, curl and primp. Although public restroom prep is not ideal we sure are getting good at it! We made it to campus with 2 minutes to spare and met up with Jenn Garcia and a few of the students who were responsible for bringing us to campus. Thanks guys! And thanks for treating us to a delicious dinner in your gorgeous and brand spank'n new student center. Our visit to Saint Leo was fantastic and we even learned a little bit about the great Saint Leo while we were there, but our favorite part of the evening was after the program when we had a chance to connect with several students. I cannot tell you how special that time is for us. Connecting with students is what our work is all about! So, thank you for sticking aroung to hang out with us and for sharing your stories. We hope our paths cross again soon!
We're headed home for a week of our very own spring break!