Thursday, March 27, 2008

Lovely Cabrini

Some things in life seem too good to be true. Which was kind of the way we felt at the magnificent Cabrini College. This is right up there with some of the most beautiful campuses we've had the pleasure of visiting. The campus is just outside Philadelphia nestled in 112 acres of nature filled serenity with lush trees and gardens everywhere amongst breath taking architecture, much of which was built more than 100 years ago. We spoke in a gorgeous Mansion on campus (pictured below) and I won the "guess which year it was built" contest, yeah me! Good guess, the answer was 1907. Aside from the stunning campus, the people, well they were some of the nicest we've ever met. Days like this make our work seem like a dream. We are so thankful and blessed to be living ours.
Sweet Dreams,

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