This past week Kelly and I were honored to participate in the World Conference for Psycho-Geometrics (click here to learn more) or as it is often called, Shape Psychology. About a year ago we became two of the 34 licensees in the entire world who have been approved to teach and facilitate sessions on this rock solid communications application. Some of you may have even seen Kel and I do our Communication 411 program which utilizes the system.
So needless to say we were not surprised that we would be meeting some pretty snazzy folks at the conference but we had no idea just how fab they would all be. These communication rock stars really gave us a wonderful vision for the future and armed us with some killer ways in which we can better share all this information with you.
We will get up some conference photos soon but best of all we captured some awesome video blogs for each of you so you can experience just a fraction of the international greatness we just experienced. So stay tuned as we introduce you to some of our new favorite people and if you can't wait for the videos then visit the web site... http://www.psychogeometrics.com/
Tell em' Kelly and Becca sent ya!
Peace and Love.
Always- Becca
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