Tuesday, February 24, 2009

More Spring Break Safety

Aruba, Jamaica, ooooh I wanna take ya...

You are well over a month into the semester and ready for a little R & R right? We hope you have fabulous plans for a nice little vaca to get away and unwind. No? Why not? You totally deserve it! Wherever you choose to soak up the rays and release your semester stress this spring break enjoy yourself my friends. But please remember to look out for each other, be safe and always watch your drinks. Sexual assault cases that involve the use of date rape drugs often increase during spring break. That said, it's important that you know there are things you can do to protect yourself. Here are some basic tips to help get you and your pals in a safe spring break state of mind-

-Trust your intuition; it is your best defense.
-Program the hotel # and address in your phone.
-Protect yourself from date rape drugs by watching your drinks.
-The 3 D's: Don't drink & swim, drink & drive or drink & hook-up.
-Have fun and take care of each other.

For more details on these tips and additional spring break safety information visit

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