Monday, October 05, 2009

Fall Conference to Consider

Unite for Change is proud to be a co-sponsor for the 2009 National Conference on Sexual Assault in Our Schools hosted by the Safe Society Zone . This years conference is being held November 13- 15 in Orlando, FL . The annual conference brings together campus and community professionals, students, peer educators, safety and security, health professionals and military personnel to address the issues surrounding sexual violence on campus. There's lots of opporunity for learning and networking and a great program line-up including presenters such as yours truly, Ben Atherton-Zeman, Andrea Cooper, Saundra, Schuster, Brett Sokolow, Joesph Vess and many more.

Early registration is open until October 31st. Check out the web-site and see if it's something you can swing this year or maybe put on your calendar for next year.

We hope to see you in warm, sunny Florida in November!

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