Wednesday, August 05, 2009


Are you interested in making a difference while gaining professional experience and college credit? Unite for Change is seeking an extraordinary intern to join our sexually empowered posse this fall.

Social Outreach Intern

Ideal candidate will be a self starter who has an interest in developing a strong portfolio. This is not a copy’s and filing job, this is a chance to get hands on experience in contributing to a world without violence. Qualified applicant must be proficient in web-based social networking, have strong communication skills both oral and written and a background in social change and/ or leadership and current involvement in student organization(s).

Prefer applicants who are passionate about sexual assault awareness and prevention, sexual empowerment and sexual equality. Only sexually empowered individuals or those with the desire to become so need apply.This is a part-time telecommute position. We will work with the student and university to ensure college credit is provided for the internship.

Responsibilities include, but not limited to the following:

- Contribute articles and submissions for blog, e-news and web-sites

- Web-based social networking (such as Facebook, Twitter, Digg and other emerging trends)
- Communicate and work with various partners such as national anti-violence organizations and campus awareness programs

- Assist in the reorganization and re-launch of Unite for Change

- Assist in implementation of Unite for Change student board

Please submit your resume and cover letter to We are looking to fill this position by September.

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